Jan. 13th Exam: CHANGE OF DATE

Dear students,

the 13 Jan. exam will be postponed to Jan. 18th. I will let you know about the location as soon as I will have a new room assigned. Those of you who are taking the exam online will be able to do so.

All best,


December 16

Dear Students,

Unfortunately I cannot reach the University today due to the strike, and I will have to be holding my class online. Class will start at 11:15 as I have a meeting before then.

Lesson December 2

Hi, since I have a cold, I prefer to stay away from crowds, and will teach tomorrow ‘s class online (10-1pm). Please connect to my webex room: https://unito.webex.com/meet/sonia.diloreto

See you tomorrow!

Response Paper 2

Response paper 2 on Arthur Mervyn (due November 25):

Assignment: Pick a passage of the novel and provide a reading of it by connecting it to a larger theoretical frame of your choice. You can choose whatever perspective you prefer: gothic, medical humanities, economics, gender studies, critical black studies, etc.  (Words 750-1000)

Class presentations

As you can see from the schedule (below), I tried to record all your requests. Please: if you have not volunteered, do so, and pay attention to the available slots. Also: if you are presenting on the day when three presentations are scheduled, please consider moving your contribution to another day when there are none.

I look forward to receiving emails about more presentations.
